Sunday, January 3, 2010

One More Time!

So, this is my last "Nashville Adventure" blog post. I've been putting off writing it because I really don't want it to be over. But, for now, it is.

I left Nashville on Dec. 26th, and drove the three days home, still feeling sick and achy. Now, I love a road trip. Just me, my car, the open road, my iPod, and memo recorder and I'm all set for a good long trip. I'm always happy driving for 11 hours at a stretch. Sometimes, going to Florida, I'll drive for three days, 15 hours each day, and I love it. This time, I didn't like it so much. I was sad leaving Nashville, and I felt like poo, so... maybe that had something to do with it.

Anyway, I made it home safely on Monday around 5 PM. I was greeted by Dave and Greg at my house, and it was great to see them and my house was warm and welcoming as always. We chatted for a while, I told them about my escapades in Nashville, and I played the new songs I wrote during my sabbatical (Which will be my next album, "Sabbatical."), and I heard all about their Christmases and it was so great catching up. Then Dave left to go spend time with his girlfriend and Greg and I hit RumbleFish, my favorite sushi place in the world, which is right down the street in Montclair, CA. I do love Teru in Studio City, but I think Rumble Fish has knocked it out of first place, if you can believe that, Debbie! Crazy huh?

It was delicious.

Since then, my sore throat has come back, my arm still hurts from what? I don't know. Been to the doc's twice, and they don't know. Nothing appears to be wrong with me. I think it may just be stress. We'll see. It's back to work tomorrow and once that gets going, perhaps I'll feel better? We'll see!

Spent New Year's Eve at Mat and Elena's house, celebrating Mattie's birthday. Dave wasn't able to make it but the rest of the Usual Suspects were there, of course Mat and Elena, and Rose, Greg, Rachel, Carol, Robbie, Jamie, Marilyn, Jeanne, and some other friends of Mat and Elena's that I just met that night. It was such an amazingly fun party! We set up their living room for Nashville-Style Open Mic (we are so cute!) and Mat brought out his karaoke set-up for those few people attending who didn't play an instrument. Everything was perfect. Had the best time! I seriously thought I would go, have a couple drinks, sing a few songs and leave early, but I stayed until... hmm... what time did I end up leaving? Oh yeah, around 2 PM on Friday, January 1, 2010. Had such a great time! Woke up around 9 am to a decimated house. Mat and Elena have a very elegant, beautiful home, and we just trashed it. It was quite a sight. So Mat, Rachel and I cleaned up the place before Elena woke up, then we spent a couple hours playing more music. What a perfect way to ring in the New Year!

So now, it's Sunday night, my car is once again packed to the gills, but this time, it's loaded with hairstyling equipment. Tomorrow I load into my new home for the next four months, the "Glee" Hair and Makeup trailer. Working with Eryn again, and Ryan! It's going to be such fun and how lucky am I that I get to work on a show that is just filled with music!?

There's a chance I may post random blogs now and then, but if not, thanks so much for keeping up with my travels. This has been a most amazing trip for me.

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Life Is Too Short To Drink Cheap WIne

Merry Christmas to all! And to all, a good night's sleep! I need it dammit!

It's 10:27 PM, Friday, December 25, 2009. I have made it through another Christmas. Does anyone know how terribly hard Christmas is to a Mid-Life Orphan?

Yes, Sir Greg of LaVoi, you do. And thank you so much for the awesome phone call today.

Also, thank you to Kenny and his family, Big Ken, Li'l Mama, Karen, and Zoe.

They invited me to celebrate Christmas with them, and since Zoe is 9 years old, and Christmas is for kids, I was able to lose myself in watching her wonder and amazement at this season of giving. It was very special.

Last night was an amazing Christmas Eve dinner prepared by Li'l Mama,

and this morning , it was up at 8 am and over to Karen and Zoe's for presents. Zoe got Rock Band from "Santa." You know I was happy!

Then this evening, another incredible Christmas dinner. They spoil us kids rotten. And we love it!

After dinner, Pictionary Man. Kenny and I had a mind-meld and won the game with "Thong." Don't ask.

And, for some reason, I got TWO of these glasses for Christmas. Do you think they're trying to tell me "You're a wine connoisseur, Stacey." Or, "You're a wine snob, Stacey."

Or.... "LUSH!"

Oh well, I have two new wine glasses, and they're BIG so I either way, I win.

Then after all the familial awesome-ness, Kenny and I stopped off at Lipstick Lounge for one cocktail (okay, two) and said a brief goodbye (I cried my eyes out) because I'm leaving Nashville tomorrow at around 7 am. You know how they say some people are in your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime? Well, Kenny is Lifetime. I am so lucky to count him among my chosen family.

Speaking of chosen families, tomorrow, I will be heading back home to California to pick up with my life where I left off.

I am so fortunate, that I have people I love, wherever I go.

My incredible band, Nobody's Station (hi Dave, Greg and John!), will start recording our second album (the first is our demo, now available on iTunes!). I am very excited to get back to them with all my new stories and songs. Hopefully my music lessons have been paying off and they will have a stronger Stacey in the band! One worthy of their talents!

Ringing in the New Year with the band and Friends of Band, and celebrating Mattie's birthday at the same time. Can't wait to sit in Mat and Elena's beautiful home, playing music, eating, drinking, being merry, and catching up on everyone's lives! By the way you guys, prepare my room! I'm sleeping over!

Oh, and Rachel, I need to come over and record using your live piano. Is that alright? I have IDEAS my friend!

Getting back into the swing with a new job. My regular show goes back into production at the end of April, so I needed a show to work on from Jan through April. Have you ever read that book The Alchemist? The moral of that story is "if you go after your heart's desire, the universe will conspire to help you." I sincerely believe that because I have a job from Jan to April. Thank you Eryn and Ryan! I'm right back into hair styling, 5 days after I return home. Wow. I am filled with "Glee!" I am very excited to be a part of this show! And I've already requested the Band Room at lunch.... um... every day.

James and Monte. Get ready for a pretty serious "roommate-thang" during that run!

Looking forward to catching up with all of my friends, and hearing about their holidays.

As of right now, it's 11:12 PM. I'm still battling a weird cold, and I need to be up in 7 hours to hit the road for an 11 hour drive.

I will post blogs on my trip home, and then, goodnight to this chapter.

I love life!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So about a couple months ago, while I was visiting Nashville for one week in October, Kenny and I saw a preview for a movie called Avatar. I was instantly hooked and couldn't wait for it to be released so we could see it together at the IMAX. Then I found out it was James Cameron....


Finally feeling like a human being again after 6 days prostrate and prone on the delightful sofabed, I made it out of the house with Kenny and we headed to Opry Mills.

Kenny and I got a huge tub of popcorn, two bottles of water, donned our 3D glasses, and entered the amazing IMAX. How will I ever watch a movie any other way again?

I don't want to give anything away here, but, people, run, don't walk, to the nearest IMAX, and see this film. No, no, EXPERIENCE this story. We were both so sad when it was over. It's just that incredible.

Now, I thought this came straight from JC's imagination, and so I had to give it up to him. Props man. Props. But Kenny found out that Avatar was a cartoon first. So now I've got to find it and check it out.

Then last night, I was invited by the cool Donnie Hillaker to play a half hour set at a place called Pope's, where I'd never been before, and I wasn't sure how I'd do, because while I was sick I didn't practice or play at all. But a half hour set? Hell yeah! Kenny came with me thankfully because the place was pretty much empty except a few regulars sidled up to the bar, most of whom were not interested in me at all. I took my own microphone just to be safe, and my set consisted of, "Christmas In July," "Belle of the Ball," "Flawed," "Out Of My Reach," "One Day," and "Tonight." I actually messed up on Out of My Reach, and couldn't get back in line. I stopped. I stopped and started over! I've never done that before. Usually I fake through it because no one knows my songs, they wouldn't know if I was faking or not. I just couldn't get out of it successfully. So that was a bummer. But the rest went pretty okay. I also made a video of the whole set, which, when I tried to upload it, I found out the file was corrupted. Naturally.

Then I went to Douglas Corner for my last time this trip, just to see who was there and listen. I didn't plan on playing. But when I got there, Jack greeted me and said I might be able to play. He was right. So I was the 4th person in the final round of the night, with Jack, which was very poetic, because I'm gonna miss that little guy! I played "One Day," and "Tonight," because my guitar was already tuned for those two songs (DADGAD), and I didn't have time to retune. I sang my little heart out and said farewell to Donnie who runs the sound there, and Rhonda who makes a great Elixir, and the singer/songwriters I've met during Nashville Open Mic Nights, November and December, 2009. I won't be singing out again this trip, as I'm gonna hang with Kenny and his family for the holidays and pack and get ready for my three-day road trip back home. So I ended on a high note "La La Laaaaaaaaaa!"

I will miss Nashville.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

That's SICK!

Haven't been able to convince myself to get on the computer for about 5 days. Woke up Wednesday feeling like complete crap, and it just went downhill from there. Friday finally went to the doctors and got medicine and instructions to rest. So, Dr. Kenny brought me DVDs and gatorade and I've been a sofabed potato ever since.

Today is Sunday and I'm starting to feel a little better, thankfully.

So I thought I'd post a few things I forgot to post earlier.


This super cool guy, Don, has one every month. I somehow got invited to this one! Here are a couple photos of what I'm talking about:

Such a great night. Just music music music, and then, a little more music. I seriously loved this. I hope when I come back to Nashville, I can attend another one!

That was last Saturday. I wrote a blog about my fantastic Monday already, then Tuesday Kenny took me to a Predator's game.

We learned a bunch of the local chants. So you know that song, "Dr. Whoooo... Hey!" Right? Here's how you sing it at a Predator's game in Nashville:

"Dr. Whoooo... Hey! You suck!
Dr. Whoooo... Hey! You suck!
Dr. Whoooo... Hey! You suck!
We're gonna beat the crap outta you!
Gonna beat'cher Momma too!"

When in The Athens of the South... I guess...

We had a great time, I ate a cup o' fries and although I thought I would want to drink a beer out of a plastic cup, I didn't really feel like it. Little did I know I was going to be sick the next morning!

After the game, Kenny went home (he had to work in the morning) and I went to Douglas Corner Cafe, just in time to hear my friend Justin sing a new song Boomerang, and to be in the second to the last round.

I sang two brand spankin' new songs, "One Day," and "Tonight." Did pretty okay considering I was about to become deathly ill!

If you want to check out any of the performances by the cool Nashville peeps I keep raving about, I have posted them, with their permissions, on my YouTube channel.

Check them out. I have posted, Craig Waller, Rock Marcello, Adam Stone, Shashi Light, and Justin VanSant. I may post one of my own but first I have to get a good video of myself. It may not happen people!

I'm off to my favorite new place in Nashville, the sofabed in my rental house. What a bummer that I'm sick my last week here. Hopefully I will be all rested up and ready for work when I get home. Sheesh.

Gonna go watch Apollo 13 now because I have never seen it. Can you imagine?

Hope you all are having a great pre-holiday. See you soon!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I DO Like Mondays! Whattaya know!?

Yesterday was pretty awesome all the way around.

My day started with a Writers Room at ASCAP. I booked the piano room for 4 hours and spent from 9 am til 1 pm playing the piano and transposing three of my songs so I can play them on the piano now too. Yes.... I need to get a really good keyboard. I think a piano is too big of a dream right now... sigh...

Then I ran some errands, freaked out over my dwindling bank account for a good solid hour, and got ready to hit The Bluebird Cafe. I thought I would sign up and get my raincheck ticket for a guarantee the next time I go, and hang around and listen to some of my friends sing. I was not disappointed. Craig and Rock were there, signed up to play, and Shashi was in my boat, just getting her golden ticket to use next Monday. Jack and few others as well. Then, Barbara the hostess, informed us that they would be closed next Monday. I swear my heart dropped. Because I'm leaving to go back to California before the Monday following that and so I wouldn't be playing at the Bluebird again until next year (because I do plan on coming back).

But, I still had a night of great music to look forward to. Rock and Craig played, and Adam was there, and I got some great videos that I will post on YouTube sometime today or tomorrow (with their kind permissions of course). Then at the end of the Open Mic, there was still time left so Shashi and I were able to play one song each. I thought to myself, "Self? This is your last time to play at the Bluebird this year, this trip, maybe forever! Don't blow it! Don't be so freakin' nervous!" But there's just something about that place. I was shaking in my boots alright. If I post the video of me, you'll see what I mean. I may not though. I have my pride!

I seriously did not expect to play so I didn't even bring my guitar! Craig the gentleman that he is offered his and it sounded way better than I did.

Then, I left The Bluebird and saw that one of my hubcaps was missing! What the hell is that all about? I don't think hubcaps just fall off, do they? They must be removed! That freaked me out a little! But not enough to keep me from going to Pick's with a few of the Bluebird crowd for a laid-back Open Mic jam session. We do four songs each there, and for some reason I wasn't nervous. Sure, NOW I'm not nervous.


I took a few videos of other people, then my memory card was full, so no video of my own performance from Pick's. But here's a photo (with Shashi's guitar).

Justin and Mike were there at Pick's, both of whom I seriously dig. Very sweet guys and talented songwriters. I know when I come back to Nashville next year, they are going to be hugely successful. I hope everyone I've met is!

Here is Shashi doing one of her beautiful soothing songs.

And Cowboy Slim with Marceia.

This guy kept hitting on me. What is going on with the young puppies these days? He was 27, a chef on tour with some gospel group, and staying at the hotel in which Pick's is located. Throwing back the Jagermeister and Budweiser, and being very funny and charming...(eek, not charming... I hate that shit...) not taking no for an answer.

When I informed him I could have seriously given birth to him (I would have been in high school but it's been known to happen people), I thought for sure he would be deterred.

Not a chance. I am just too hot.

Flattered? Yes I was.

Tempted? Hell no!

I kept telling him it would be too much like pedophilia, and mamma don't play that. I kept calling him an embryo. He wasn't going anywhere. Then my new friend Tony came to my rescue.

Anyone else think he looks like someone I used to know? But Tony is more of a man, while the "one he resembles" was more like... Satan? Haha!

Tony is super talented and has this great song that I predict will go to #1 for some lucky recording artist.

So, at the end of this Monday, I had done so many cool things, memories I will treasure, and it all ended with Tony rescuing me from the Horny Toddler at Pick's Honkytonk.

Hmmm... do I smell a new country song a'brewin'?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ooops! I missed a blog! Sorry Kathie!

I thought I posted a blog about my visit from Kathie, but I can't find it so I must have dreamt it! So this is out of order, but still worth a read!

Oh, and thanks to Kathie for some of these photos!!!

Anyway, Kathie and I have known each other for about... well.. let's say since kindergarten it doesn't matter how long that is. Haha. We went all through school until high school graduation. She now lives in Indiana and it's a 5 hour drive to Nashville so she graciously came to visit!

Kathie brought her yearbooks, which I always appreciate because mine were ruined in a flood years ago. So we listened to 80's music and went through the yearbooks and checked for people on facebook. Geeked right out. Yes we did. It was so much fun! I found an ex bf on fb, omg I was LOL he looked so different I was like, WTF?

....... but I digress...

We had a great time. I dragged Kat to Joe's Crab Shack of course, and karaoke at Lonnie's Western Room where I sang Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats."

I sang it BADLY... that's a hard song peeps!

Then we trolled Broadway and honkytonk-hopped for the rest of the night.

I was going to take her to open mic, but it's not for everyone, I understand that. If you're not into songwriters, and you have to sit through 15 of them just to listen to your friend sing her two little songs, it can get boring for some people, and I wanted her to have fun!

So we went to The Stage, Tootsies, and Full Moon. There was this amazing guy playing upright slap bass and singing lead vocals. I was mesmerized, so naturally I had to go tell him how awesome he was. His response? "Great thanks! Now put some money in the tip jar!"

And I certainly did! He was incredible.

Then, Kathie got hit on by someone I seriously thought played Beaver Cleaver. Not kidding.

And I cozied up to another unavailable guy. When will I ever learn?

The next morning I took Kat to the Y as my guest. I did my hard Saturday Zumba class and she worked out in the gym. Then we went to the Vandy School Store so she could get her glass for her growing collection, and we visited The Parthenon.

Because Nashville is the Athens of the South. Did you know that? This is why!

That night we took Kenny to dinner at a little Italian place downtown, then went back to my rental house and drank wine and watched some videos and yes, I went through the yearbooks some more I can't help it!

Next morning before Kathie left to go home, we ate breakie at the Pancake Pantry. It's like Pink's hotdogs in LA, because you have to wait in a long-ass line to get in. But unlike Pink's, the food here was totally worth the wait! Sweet potato pancakes with cinnamon cream syrup.

Shut. Up.

Oh, and just in case you're wondering about The Parthenon thing??? Don't bring your skateboard.


Well, it was inevitable. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I went to a songwriter's night last night, and I got up and left before I played my two little folk songs. I thought it would be the perfect place for me, I mean, look at that stage!!

Huge room, great acoustics, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that it was all wrong. For me. And, I was there for 2 hours, I seriously gave it a chance. I think it was all the smoke again. I can't take it!

Anyway, I am gaining a new appreciation for Country and Western music, I really am. Don't laugh, I am! I don't mean that commercial pap that's out there on terrestrial radio, I mean the real deal from real songwriters with hearts. I'm digging it. But last night? Every song I heard was about drinking and manipulating stupid loose girls into gettin' in on, and how Jesus loves it when you do all those things as long as you know you're going to be with him at the Pearly gates throwing back the Jack and Coke when your time comes. Oh, and be sure to bring him a chick too. According to most, he likes the cheap ones. Am I going to Hell for this blog post? Maybe. But at least they'll have some decent damn Chardonnay there!

Speaking of whores, I've always considered myself guilty of certain whore-ish behavior. For example, if I'm home in Cali, and someone calls me to work, and I'm available but I've SWORN to myself I'm gonna take some time off? I'll take the job. Every time.


Here in Nashville, a stage is a stage! Another chance to get my songs heard! When I went to Idle Hours the first time, I thought I'd leave, but after 5 minutes I knew I was staying and playing, and that place now holds a special place in my heart.


Last night? I tried to stay at ______________. I toughed it out for a long time, and when the drunk girl got up and started warbling about her dead dog while trying to balance on her stiletto boots, and the crowd was cheering some sporting event on the TV, and I couldn't see a foot in front of my face for all the smoke in the air, and they didn't have Chardonnay!!!!!!???? I got up and marched out of there with my head held high. Plus, I was freakin' tired.

Not a whore! Whew!

I left the establishment (which I won't name because everyone was seriously super nice, I'm just ripping because it's fun but I don't want to give them a bad name), and the frigid air hit me full in the face. It was awesome! Clean and crisp and yes, cold, but I could breathe! Hallelujah!

So, I trotted on home and worked on some songs of my own about throwing back the Chardonnay and manipulating stupid buff guys into gettin' it on.
